Top 10 Famous Red Light areas in Chandigarh regions
Many areas of Chandigarh are counted as red-light areas. A red-light area is an area where sex shops or physically pleasurable things are done. There are some prostitutes and brothels who work as sex workers in the famous red-light areas of Chandigarh. Here, you will also find some massage workers who provide all types of massage services. Please, Keep in mind that prostitution is not legal in India nor in Chandigarh. We don’t support such activity, take this as for informational purposes only.
Famous red-light areas of Chandigarh that have genuine sex shops and prostitutes.
- Manimajra or Sector 13: Is one of the top red-light areas of Chandigarh. This city is famous for the motor market and prostitution. The locals know very well about it. Perhaps it will not be safe to tell you the exact address of prostitutes or sex shops, but you will get them in the evening and at night. You can simply ask anyone about these prostitutes, and even the auto driver or locals can tell you about their exact address. They do not simply reside in a particular place but at different places in Manimajra.
- Daria: here so many women work as sex workers, but these women are not into brothel-based sex work. Some of these are housewives, independent women, and college girls. They are eager to get into a relationship for the sake of money or to fulfil their sexual desire. Perhaps Daria is mostly a residential area, but you can find these women in any building or street in this city.
- Bapu Dham Colony of Sector 26:It is the 3rd place in Chandigarh and is widely popular for prostitution and brothels. It is near the Sabji Mandi of Chandigarh. Here you will find prostitutes or escorts on the roadside of the street, mostly in the evening or at some certain location in the colony.
- Zirakpur: There are so many prostitution centres in the name of spas in Zirakpur. These women are continuously looking for their clients in the evening and at night. If you want to fulfil your lust and carve for sex, then you can surely visit any spa, or you can look around the roadside for a prostitute.
- Burali: In Burali, the prostitution work is done in hotels and, in particular, on the street to some extent. Some hotels mainly run on this business. They provide a variety of escorts. If you don’t like to get this thing in a hotel, then you can opt for a local prostitute.
- Kajheri: This lies in Sector 52 of Chandigarh. This is a hub of prostitution in Sector 52 of Chandigarh. It has so many hotel-based prostitution centres, which provide very cheap accommodation. The main sources of income for these hotel honours are brothels and betting. Here, you will have a lot of options to extinguish the fire of lust that is burning your heart.
- Mohali: Sexual activities are done in Mohali in the name of massage parlours and hotels. Here, you will have the option to choose a foreign girl for sex. You can easily get Central Asian girls, who belong to Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan-like countries. You can simply get any type of girl to have sex in Mohali by just searching on the internet for the name of an escort girl or call girl in Mohali.
- Ram Darbar: There are so many small huts and adobes that are infamous for prostitution activity.
- Maloya: It is not as famous as sexual activity, but you can find prostitutes on the phone or in hotels.
- Peer Baba Mazar Road: This area is also famous for prostitution. The sex worker comes to this street or resides particularly here to indulge in sex work.